Automated Trade Management for NinjaTrader
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A Bird's Eye View
This intelligent trade manager allows you to manage every aspect of your trade with unparalleled simplicity & flexibility.
Tools Built for Real Traders
Trade Management
Use the Dynamic Planning feature to preview how your trade will execute based on current market conditions.
BlackBird can adjust on-the-fly Entry orders, Profit Targets, and Stop-loss orders. This is a complete Trade Manager.
Pre-programed order management with unlimited customizable flexibility. The most advanced stop-loss trailing designer in the Ninja ecosystem.
30-Day Free Trial
The trial runs with all the features of the BlackBird Ultimate edition for 30 days (with the exception of live trading). This is known as “Full Trial” mode.

30-Day Full Trial
Recent Webinar
Watch this previous demo webinar. It shows why BlackBird is so popular among the NinjaTrader community.
Still on the fence? We offer a 30-day refund on all trading software... so give it a shot!
Finally manage trades like a professional.
Email Support
Unlimited email support to answer any questions you have. We get a lot of “how do I…” and “where is the…” questions. Bring ’em on.
Weekly Live Training
Each week licensed customers can join us for the weekly live workshop. Ask questions and watch as advanced systems are built from scratch.
Training Materials
Documentation, videos, and webinars are all available for traders to get the absolute most out of BlackBird.